My Best Ways To Rejuvenate During Pregnancy

A big welcome to all pregnant mothers living in Aylesbury! Hope you are taking great care of yourself and getting regular ultrasound scans from a trusted fetal health scan clinic in Aylesbury. Rejuvenation is the key to lead a healthy and satisfied life. What’s life without “me time” huh? 

I’m a proud pregnant woman in her second trimester who is working from home even with a huge bump. Working before pregnancy was way too easier as now these pregnancy hormones have actually made me more tired and agitated. So, what do I do to rejuvenate myself? Well, a lot of things which I’ll be sharing today with all of you. So, keep reading and get ideas on how you can rejuvenate your body and mind after a tiring day with a bump.

Warm bath

Nothing takes away my body aches better than a warm bath. As soon as my work finishes, I take a warm bath to relax my body and feel fresh. For a more enriching experience, I sometimes add bath oils or throw bath bombs on my bathtub. My cousin sister has even gifted me a packet of Epsom salt so that my sore muscles are relaxed after every bath. 

Music on the go

I can’t imagine my life without music. Music is my life and the reason I can function well. I sing during cooking and while doing my chores. Listening to music refreshes my mind and makes me conquer the world with style.

Books to the rescue

I’m into reading books. I can read books from any genre but my favourite genre is thriller. Whenever I feel low and anxious about motherhood, I read blogs related to pregnancy and thriller novels. 

Lemongrass tea, my best friend 😊🍵

Ah, lemongrass tea! My best friend who gives me a rejuvenated mind. I drink lemongrass tea once I have finished all my chores. Sipping on lemongrass tea with my favourite novel in no less than a dream. 

Netflix and chill

Netflix has some pretty good content and I enjoy reading and watching good content so watching Netflix is another way for me to chill at home after being tired due to the merciless pregnancy hormones. 

Knit and crochet

I have been into knitting and crocheting since I was seventeen years old. My granny taught me how to knit and crochet several patterns. I have started crocheting again because I want my newborn to wear clothes made with my own hands. ☺️😊

So, how do you rejuvenate yourself with a bump? Comment below! Book early pregnancy scans from Aylesbury’s clinic at economical rates. See you soon! 😘 


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