Should You Consider A Doula During Your Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, there must a ton of things going simultaneously in your mind. Often ensuring your baby's health itself, puts you at much ease. Thankfully, getting an ultrasound baby scan from a reliable clinic can help with that. However, dealing with the emotional turmoil is equally crucial. Consider getting a doula if you find it necessary.

For those who understand very little as to who a doula is, a doula is a person, often a lady, who does not belong from a medical background or poses any degree in gynecology or obstetrics, but they offer emotional support and motivation throughout the phases of pregnancy.

Many consider them an extra luxury, but that justs a stereotype perspective. You can probably do better with a doula if you find yourself in any of the following conditions-

1. Its Your First Pregnancy

Being pregnant is always special and always a little scary. But being pregnant for the first time is 'the most joyous and the scariest', because, by the time you have the second or third one, you are more prepared as you have learned a lot from your first one.

Thus, consider having a doula if you expecting for the first time and finding yourself being overbored with emotions and perhaps a little confusion as well.

2. You Are Dealing Mostly On Your Own

In case your husband or partner spends too much time away due to work, perhaps you are dealing with most of the pregnancy things on your own. It is difficult to ensure the rollercoaster ride and having supportive family or friends within reach is highly helpful.

In case you are not getting adequate time and comfort from them, consider getting a doula to help you deal with it all. Not only they will support you emotionally, but in many cases, they can also accompany you to ultrasound baby scan clinics as well.

3. You Are Emotionally Fragile

You might be a rocking and kicking gal within a gym or even a box ring, but deep down you might be a little softie and pregnancy hormones are making your knees melt even more. There is no shame to admit that motherhood is often tough for many and we are not all equally headstrong to cope up all the challenges with ease.

In case you too, are feeling a little vulnerable, a doula can be of a great help.

So, in case you are financially capable and feel like you can use an extra set of help, feel free to look for a suitable doula. Get every help that you feel will help you have a more comfortable pregnancy ahead.


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